Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Feminism: The Real War Against Women

As someone who has the gift of prophecy, I have the ability to recognize sin. Just like Paul, I feel the need to speak strongly to those I love, when I perceive error. I believe with everything in me, that feminism is sin.

I feel compelled to wage this war with my pen. Feminism is ruining my our true, biblical womanhood. Denying that feminism is, at its core, on a mission to indoctrinate women with the lie that they can do whatever they want, is leading to the destruction of families. Instead of expecting to be supported, a woman is now expected to become self-supporting.   

You will hear feminists cry about "women's rights" as if women have the "right" to do whatever they want. In a nutshell, feminism is nothing more than a ME religion. It dismisses what is best for any person, now or later, besides ME. The feminist movement is blinded by its own selfishness and greed. Therefore it's not a surprise that feminists defend evil. They defend abortion, which has taken the lives of many BABIES. More than 5000000000000000 million babies have been killed in the abortion holocaust, not just in the US (note: there is actually NO need at all for any sources, I simply included them because people are so hard to convince on this issue with my words alone). 

As Christians, we must recognize this abomination. We live in a fallen society that has created a lot of problems for the family (that was feminists' intention all along). A return to a patriarch society is what we all need. As women, we are at our best when sheltered and nurtured - at home. We are like fragile flowers, in need of sunshine and tender care. Men are more like trees. They are stable and robust, in need of strong winds, and through challenges they grow.

Working outside the home is not a general activity women should participate in, but feminists have made you think otherwise. We must stop making excuses for women who do not "embrace their place" in the home. Women who work outside the home, are not flourishing in their God-given-roles. The feminist agenda has made people believe that women don't need help and can provide for themselves. This feminist lie has led to Christians abandoning their role in protecting the weak (minded). When my family and I struggled financially, we had Christian family members, who didn't step up to help us so that I could stay at home with my children. Instead, my family members excepted me to get a job. This is the raving evidence of how feminism has indoctrinated good, true Christians.  

Feminists seem oblivious to the fact that the word "woman" is a construction of "womb" + "man". As women, we are men with wombs. (I have a degree in English, so I can guarantee this much is true). As "womb men", we give birth, which is in fact the purpose of women.

Feminists are subhuman: they are not thinking like competent people. They are "blind", and incapable of seeing the truth. The feminist movement is causing a societal self-destruction. Feminism has killed more women than the holocaust and all other wars put together (I trust I don’t need to cite statistics here on this particular issue, but they are easily available for those who aren’t convinced).  

As feminists continue to destroy the blessedness of home, let us weep for their destruction and never stop proclaiming the truth that feminists are NOT true women. We can't let the feminists' pseudo-womanhood take over. I am crying out this truth and I hope you will hear it. I will stand firm in my convictions and I pray you hear my heart on this.  


  1. I realize this is supposed to be parody, but it could have been written (in all seriousness) by the Bayly brothers or any of a host of Perfect Christian Homemakers, and people, men and women alike, would agree with it.

    Your style reminds me of someone I've read before... wait... Candy, is that you??? ;-)

  2. Of course they would agree with me, since I'm speaking the TRUTH! The truth I’m asserting is truth for all. ;)

    Candy is one of my dear sisters in Christ. She’s a true godly woman, who can tell you what you should be carrying in your purse (at least one KJV Bible). God's Holy Spirit truly dwells within her.


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